Five Steps for Commercial and Residential Real Estate Cold Calling

Five Steps for Commercial and Residential Real Estate Cold Calling

New agents/brokers often psyche themselves up before they even pick up the phone.

Prospecting is the most important part of your business, and especially in an "eat-what-you-kill" industry.

Cold calling is a rhythm and a numbers game. Once you get into your rhythm and start hitting your daily and weekly call goals, you'll begin seeing the fruits from your labor.

Here's five simple steps you need to take in order to have the most effective cold calls:

  1. Make it the first thing you do in the morning.

  2. Stand up during your calls, project your voice with excitement and confidence. Don't underestimate this, people can feel your energy through the phone.

  3. Keep your introductions short and casual. You're their friend, not a stranger.Say "Hey John!" rather than "Hello, is this John?"

  4. Know who you're talking to.Know exactly who you're calling, and which property you're calling about.

  5. Have an actionable goal, you're not calling for no reason. Set up a follow-up meeting with an exact date and time, not just "sometime next month."

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