The Secrets to Repeat Clients for Real Estate Agents

The Secrets to Repeat Clients for Real Estate Agents

If you take a look at the top agents in your office, you can notice a common pattern that they all share - recurring clients.

You'll start to notice that top agents, regardless of their product type / market, have repeat customers that often generate them a baseline commission payout per year.

These are more than often active real estate investors or developers that conduct at least one transaction per year, versus the average of once every three to five years.

That's the dream, right? - spend less time prospecting and more time with your most loyal and repeat clients.

So how do top agents get these repeat clients?

The biggest advice that top brokers ($3M+ in gross commission per year) in my office gave me was to lead with value.

This is a fancier way of saying: have useful information that you can share with your prospect every time you speak.

Topics of Useful Information to Provide:

  • What is selling or has sold in the owner's neighborhood? What price did they sell at? Price per unit or sqft?
  • Why are other owners selling? - where are they allocating new capital?
  • What are rents that are being charged in the neighborhood?
  • What are sales comparable of similar product types / properties?
  • Why did the buyers buy the recent closing down the street? - was this a 1031 exchange?

When you start leading with value, clients will notice what you can bring to the table, jumpstarting your foundation of trust.

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